Keep Num Lock On at Startup on Windows Computers

Thursday, March 29th, 2012

Windows XP, Vista, and Windows 7 :: Keep Num Lock On at Startup

Despite what Microsoft claims, I've seen some computers not revert back to their last set num lock setting when Windows was last shut down.  Granted, this could be caused by Enterprise configurations.Here's a simple batch file that should keep Num Lock always ON when a user logs in.  It may or may not need to be run with administrator privileges based on your enterprise configuration.  I've had several users complain about the fact that Num Lock is turned off when they turn on their computers in the morning.  As a result, this batch file allows you to enable the setting that keeps num lock enabled after a user logs in with minimal effort.  I'm still under the impression that this is more work than the user simply pressing the num lock key to turn it back on.


[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Keyboard\]