Archive for the ‘Development’ Category

ASP.NET CORE – Smart Way to Prevent Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF) Attempts – Protect AJAX XHR Requests

Thursday, August 18th, 2022

ASP.NET CORE MVC – Protect AJAX Requests from CSRF Attempts

This is a follow-up post related to

I've modified the code from the linked post above so that it works with ASP.NET CORE.  Below is the code that can protect all AJAX requests from CSRF (Cross-Site Request Forgery) attempts.  For normal <form> POST requests, you should still use and validate against a CSRF token, but if your application is separated into multiple pieces (for example a node.js React front-end application and a .NET CORE based API), this is an easy way to help prevent CSRF attacks without the use of tokens.

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Filters;
using Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration;
using Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection;

namespace AnalyticsAPI.Filters
    public class CSRFAjaxRequestMitigation : IAuthorizationFilter
        public void OnAuthorization(AuthorizationFilterContext filterContext)
            IServiceProvider services = filterContext.HttpContext.RequestServices;
            IConfiguration Configuration = services.GetService<IConfiguration>();

            string validOrigins = Configuration.GetValue<string>("AllowedEnvironments"); // Example in appsettings.json "AllowedEnvironments": ",,", 
            bool skipCheck = false;

            if(Configuration.GetValue<string>("ENVIRONMENT") == "LOCAL")
                skipCheck = true;

            // In AJAX requests, the origin header is always sent (UNLESS IT'S COMING FROM THE SAME ORIGIN), so we can validate that it comes from a trusted location to prevent CSRF attacks - but if one isn't sent, we won't do anything (assume trusted)
            // In which case, we don't need to do any token checking either
            if (!skipCheck && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(validOrigins))
                List<string> validOriginURLs = validOrigins.Split(',').ToList();
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(filterContext.HttpContext.Request.Headers["Origin"].ToString()))
                    string origin = filterContext.HttpContext.Request.Headers["Origin"];
                    if (!validOriginURLs.Contains(origin, StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                        filterContext.Result = new UnauthorizedResult();

    public class CSRFMitigationAttribute : TypeFilterAttribute
        public CSRFMitigationAttribute()
            : base(typeof(CSRFAjaxRequestMitigation))
            Arguments = new object[] {};


MongoDB BSON Restore, Converting to JSON, and More MongoDB Helpful Commands

Wednesday, May 25th, 2022

MongoDB Helpful Scripts & Commands

Restoring BSON Backups

The below batch script helps you extract all .gz zipped BSON MongoDB table backup files and then restore these tables to a particular Mongo database easily:

SET SourceDir=%~dp0
cd %SourceDir%
mkdir "extracted"
mkdir "extracted\json"
FOR /R %SourceDir% %%A IN ("*.gz") DO "C:\Program Files\7-Zip\7z.exe" x "%%~A" -o"%SourceDir%\extracted"
mongorestore -d {DATABASE_NAME_TO_RESTORE_TABLES_INTO} --host localhost:27017 "extracted"

Converting MongoDB Tables and Data to Proper JSON

If you want to convert MongoDB tables and their data into JSON, you can use the below commands:

mongoexport -d {DATABASE_TO_EXPORT_FROM} --host localhost:27017 -c {TABLE_NAME_TO_EXPORT_CONVERT_INTO_JSON} --jsonArray --pretty -o "%SourceDir%\extracted\json\{TABLE_NAME_BEING_CONVERTED_TO_JSON_NAME}.json"

With older versions of MongoDB, the json file export doesn't actually contain valid JSON. To fix the $date and $numberLong properties which are invalid according to JSON specifications, you can run the below Python 2.7 script:

# About                              #

# Author:   Eric Arnol-Martin
# Purpose:  Replaces Mongo's Exported DateTime Format with Proper DateTime String Representations for Easier Import for Other Databases / Programming Languages
# Expects:  Mongo JSON Exported Pretty File.  
#			For example, a file produced by a command similar to 
#			"mongoexport -d {db_name} --host localhost:27017 -c {table_name} --jsonArray --pretty -o {table_name}.json"
# Tests:    RegEx Test Link:
# Outputs:  Creates a copy of the input JSON file with DateTime objects replaced with their proper string representation in the same directory as the original file 
#			with the same file name suffixed with "_NEW" at the end of it.
# Sources:

# Imports                            #

import re
from os.path import exists
import fileinput

# Actual Program                     #

path = input ("Enter path or name of file to parse: ")
prevPiece = None
content_new = ""
boolReplaceFromNextLine = False
boolHandlingLong = False

if exists(path):
	# Clear new file
	b = open(path + "_NEW", "w+")
	count = 0
	recordCount = 0

	for line in fileinput.input(files=path):
		count = count + 1
		if '"$date":' in line: 
			content_new = content_new[0:content_new.rindex('{')] + line.replace('"$date": {', '').replace('"$date":', '').replace('\n', '').strip();
			boolReplaceFromNextLine = True
			if boolReplaceFromNextLine:
				if '"$numberLong":' in line:
					content_new = content_new + line.replace('"$numberLong":', '').replace('\n', '').strip();
					boolReplaceFromNextLine = True
					boolHandlingLong = True
					if boolHandlingLong:
						content_new = content_new + line.replace('}', '').strip();
						boolReplaceFromNextLine = True
						boolHandlingLong = False
						boolReplaceFromNextLine = False
						content_new = content_new + line.replace('}', '').strip() + '\n';
				content_new = content_new + line		
		if line == '},\n' and content_new:
			recordCount = recordCount + 1
			b = open(path + "_NEW", "a+")
			content_new = ""
			print('Record ' + str(recordCount) + ' processed... adding it to the file...')
		prevPiece = line
	if content_new:
		b = open(path + "_NEW", "a+")
		content_new = ""
		recordCount = recordCount + 1
		print('Record ' + str(recordCount) + ' processed... adding it to the file...')