PeerGuardian Linux Ubuntu Prerequisites and Install Guide

PeerGuardian Installation Guide Ubuntu / Debian

Installing PeerGuardian:

Open a new terminal and install the prerequisites for PeerGuardian Linux but using the following commands:

sudo apt-get install libdbus-1-dev zlib1g-dev iptables libnetfilter-queue-dev libnfnetlink-dev qt4-bin-dbg qt4-dev-tools qt4-bin-dbg g++ libpolkit-qt-1-1 libpolkit-qt-1-dev

Download the latest source of PeerGuardian Linux from:

Open a terminal, change to the peerguardian source directory, and run the configure file to generate the makefile.

./configure --sysconfdir=/etc

If you get an error stating that looks like this:

checking for ZLIB... configure: error: Package requirements (zlib) were not met:

No package 'zlib' found

Consider adjusting the PKG_CONFIG_PATH environment variable if you
installed software in a non-standard prefix.

Alternatively, you may set the environment variables ZLIB_CFLAGS
and ZLIB_LIBS to avoid the need to call pkg-config.
See the pkg-config man page for more details.

You'll need to download and compile the source of zlib from

To do this, just change to the directory of the extracted zlib folder, run:

sudo make
sudo make install

Now, go back to the peerguardian source directory, and re-run ./configure

You will not receive this error anymore.  Why does this happen in the first place?  Installing zlib1g-dev should have been enough to satisfy this requirement, but for some reason it doesn't work sometimes and could be a bug.

Errors Post Installation:

BELOW ISSUE (BOTH Bricking your System and Resolv.conf Issue) APPEARS TO HAVE BEEN FIXED IN MAY of 2013
I'm going to leave this here though in case someone needs it.

As of 3/17/13, I've noticed that installing Peerguardian Linux from the latest SourceForge source causes a number of serious problems that could brick your Linux install. You must run the following commands after "make install" is completed to avoid running into problems.

If your gksudo or sudo commands no longer work after installing because of a "Unable to copy the user's .Xauthorization file" error message, your .Xauthority file may no longer exist.  To fix this issue, run the following commands:

gksudo synaptic
sudo chown youruser:youruser ~/.Xauthority
chmod 600 ~/.Xauthority

If the above does not work for you, try this:

cd ~
touch .Xauthority
sudo chown youruser:youruser ~/.Xauthority
chmod 600 ~/.Xauthority 

For some reason, the installer also changes the permissions on the tmp system folder.  To fix this, run the following command:

sudo chmod 1777 /tmp

Peerguardian Linux can also break your DNS settings rendering your internet connection useless.  To fix this issue, run the following commands:

sudo nano /etc/resolv.conf

In it, put your router's dns information in. For example:


Save and close the file.  Everything should be good to go and your system is not hosed from a buggy compilation of Peerguardian Linux

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2 Responses to “PeerGuardian Linux Ubuntu Prerequisites and Install Guide”


    Thanks for using PeerGuardian 🙂

    For Debian based systems I'd recommend to use my official precompiled packages at (see

    Of course you can still build your own packages, instead of using my precompiled ones. See
    Even if you don't want to add my repository for easier updating and build-dependeny installing, you can always compile&build the Debian (Ubuntu/Mint) way:
    <div class="customCode"><pre>debuild -uc -us -tc</pre></div>
    I guess, that way you also don't have the .Xauthority and /tmp problems (still, I will look into this).

    About the nameserver problem: indeed if its IP is saved in /etc/resolv.conf, then pglcmd will take care of allowing it automatically. Is there any other place on your system, where I can get the nameserver IP of your system?

    You can can contact me at jre-phoenix at

  2. earnolmartin

    Thanks for looking into this as well as for the information!

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