Full Ubuntu Startup Applications Location List
Location of Ubuntu Startup Application Scripts
All Versions of Ubuntu
In all versions of Ubuntu, startup scripts can be configured and run from the following locations:
/etc/init/*.conf – some init scripts
/etc/rc.local – a file that is run by root on system boot (bash scritps and other commands can go in here)
~/.config/autostart – user specific GUI programs that are run once the X11 environment is started
/etc/xdg/autostart – Global GUI programs that are run once the X11 environment is started
@reboot cronjob – cronjob scripts that are executed when the system boots
Ubuntu 16.04 and Later
systemd init scripts in /etc/systemd/system/*.service files
systemd init scripts in /lib/systemd/system/*.service files
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Tags: application, applications, list, location, locations, startup, ubuntu