Testing Simultaneous HTTP Requests using cURL

Tuesday, February 27th, 2024

Testing Simultaneous HTTP Requests in Parallel using cURL

If you're developing a web application and are worried that a similar HTTP request could come in multiple times from different users (or clients) exactly at the same time, you can see how your application will behave by using cURL (on modern versions of Linux) to create this rare (if almost impossible) circumstance:

curl --parallel --parallel-immediate --parallel-max 3 --header "Content-Type: application/json" --request POST --data '{STRINGIFIED_JSON_PAYLOAD}' --config urls.txt

The urls.txt file will contain the URL to your API endpoint you're testing the same number of times as the –parallel-max parameter.  So in our case, it would contain:

url = "https://pathtoapiendpoint"
url = "https://pathtoapiendpoint"
url = "https://pathtoapiendpoint"

Check how your application behaves and make appropriate changes to maintain concurrency if you're worried about this happening.  There are various approaches you can use to make sure concurrency is maintained such as appending the old value of the database record into your where clause when updating to see if the data has already been changed within the timeframe of the request being processed. 

Or, you can use persistent virtual columns like this:


Linux Multiple Network Interfaces (NICs) – One Interface with Static Public IP and One Interface with Private DHCP LAN IP Address – Routes and Routing

Friday, July 24th, 2020

Linux KVM:  Using Multiple NICs and Routing Traffic Properly Between Them

When setting up a KVM guest to use multiple network interface controllers (NICs), additional ip routes may be needed in order for the additional interfaces to work properly.  For example, if you configure a NIC with a public static IP address and a NIC with an internal private DHCP LAN IP address, you must create a route for any traffic that comes through the DHCP LAN IP address to respond via the interface from which the request originated.  Otherwise, forwarded NAT traffic from the main KVM host to the DHCP internal LAN IP will reach its destination, but no response will be sent back (because it will attempt to send the response via the configured static IP address interface which may NOT be the original destination of the senders request).

The Solution:


From the above link, the solution for me was to do the following in the KVM guest virtual machine:

Only needs to be done once:

sudo -i
echo 200 isp1 >> /etc/iproute2/rt_tables

Setting up the route (adjust variables as necessary):

sudo -i
ip rule add from <interface_IP> table isp1 priority 900
ip rule add from <interface_IP> dev <interface> table isp1
ip route add default via <gateway_IP> dev <interface> table isp

The command I used for my specific setup:

sudo -i
ip rule add from table isp1 priority 900 
ip rule add from dev ens9 table isp1 
ip route add default via dev ens9 table isp1

Making it permanent (apply on system start up):

sudo -i
nano /etc/network/interfaces

I added the below post-up rules (adjust variables as necessary):

auto ens9
iface ens9 inet dhcp
        post-up ip rule add from <interface_IP> table isp1 priority 900
        post-up ip rule add from <interface_IP> dev <interface> table isp1
        post-up ip route add default via <gateway_IP> dev <interface> table isp1

The route is created whenever the dhcp interface is brought up.

Multiple Comment Forms on WordPress Page – Using WYSIWYG Editor NicEdit

Tuesday, January 28th, 2014

WYSIWYG WordPress Comments

I tried and tried to get the CKEditor plugin for WordPress to initalize multiple comment textareas for a custom post type I had created using the pods WordPress plugin.  No matter how hard I tried, I failed.  Only the first instance would get initialized.  I dug through the code and found where the instance was created, but even with the code in front of my eyes, I could not figure out how to adapt the messy PHP / Javascript mesh to do what I wanted.

Eventually, I came accross a great guide explaining how to use NicEdit, a simple WYSIWYG editor that can be used easily to replace the boring WordPress comment box with something more friendly for end users leaving comments.

Following this guide, I downloaded and uploaded the NicEdit files to a folder named "scripts" in my theme's directory (please adjust the path in the functions below if you want to use another directory or place the files elsewhere).  I would recommend downloading the non-compressed version, as the code is easier to read and making changes is a lot easier.  I inserted the following function into my WordPress theme's functions.php file:

function add_nicEdit() {
    if ( !is_admin() ) {
        // register scripts
        wp_register_script('nicEdit', get_stylesheet_directory_uri() . '/scripts/nicEdit.js', array(), false, true);
        // enqueue scripts
add_action('wp_enqueue_scripts', 'add_nicEdit');

Then, I created a new function that I added to NicEdit.js file.  After this code:

allTextAreas : function(nicOptions) {
        var textareas = document.getElementsByTagName("textarea");
        for(var i=0;i<textareas.length;i++) {
            nicEditors.editors.push(new nicEditor(nicOptions).panelInstance(textareas[i]));
        return nicEditors.editors;

I added a function called allCommentTextAreas:

allCommentTextAreas : function(nicOptions) {
        var textareas = document.getElementsByTagName("textarea");
        for(var i=0;i<textareas.length;i++) {
      if(textareas[i].className == "comment_editor"){
               nicEditors.editors.push(new nicEditor(nicOptions).panelInstance(textareas[i]));
        return nicEditors.editors;

The way this function works is that it will replace all textareas that have a class of "comment_editor" only.

Next, in my theme's footer.php file after the <?php wp_footer(); ?> line, I added the following:

<script type="text/javascript">
           // We need to initialize the WYSIWIG editor for the comments field                   bkLib.onDomLoaded(function() { nicEditors.allCommentTextAreas({
                   iconsPath : '<?php bloginfo( 'stylesheet_directory' ) ?>/scripts/nicEditorIcons.gif', buttonList : ['bold','italic','strikethrough','link','unlink','removeformat']})

In your pods page template, load comments like this:

$args["comment_notes_after"] = "";
$args["comment_field"] = '<p class="comment-form-comment"><label for="comment">' . _x( 'Comment', 'noun' ) .          
'</label><textarea id="comment" class="comment_editor" name="comment" cols="45" rows="8" aria-required="true">' .          
comment_form( $args, $post_id ); 

Your comments form will now look a lot better, specifically, they will look like this:

nic edit

Getting Realtek Audio to Play Sounds Through Both Speakers and Headphones

Monday, February 18th, 2013

Running Multiple Channels of Audio Simultaneously in Linux

In Windows, I configure my Realtek audio to play sounds through my headphones (plugged into the front panel jacks) and my speakers (plugged into the rear panel jacks) simultaneously. I noticed in Ubuntu, the default is to mute sound in the rear when a device is plugged into the front. I wanted to stop this behavior, so here's what you have to do. Some people may also be looking to mute the rear speakers when a device is plugged into the front, so I have included both configurations. Download this nifty utility to manage and configure your audio settings by running these commands.

sudo apt-get install gnome-alsamixer

In this application, you can adjust volume and mess with several other settings.

At the bottom of alsamixer, scroll over to the "<Auto-Mute>" option.

To play audio through both headphones and speakers, change Auto-Mute to "Disabled".

To play audio through only one device, change Auto-Mute to "Enabled".

Hope that helps!